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Communities doing it for themselves – community shares report 2023

Community Shares report 2023 – communities doing it for themselves
Content by Community Shares

It has been a decade since the Community Shares Unit launched in 2012 with over £210 million raised using this unique form of finance.

This report aims to provide a detailed and inspiring update on the community shares market while celebrating key milestones, innovations and learnings over the last ten years.

This new report gets under the skin of the market in more detail, looking at sector trends and geographic spread of offers across the UK. We also look at the role of institutional investment, specifically the Community Shares Booster Fund and the fund’s impact and aspirations to reach under-represented groups, communities and inspire innovation and creative thinking in applying the model.

Community shares continues to be increasingly relevant in the broader ecosystem, aligning the wider political aspirations around community empowerment and ownership of critical assets and services.

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